1 research outputs found

    Inorganic nanofillers prepared from LDHS to obtain polymer matrix nanocomposites. Determination of the impact of the preparation method on their properties

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    [ES] El presente trabajo de investigaci贸n se ha centrado en la obtenci贸n de nanorrellenos inorg谩nicos a partir de Hidr贸xidos Dobles Laminares (LDHs) que puedan ser de utilidad en la preparaci贸n de composites y nanocomposites de matriz polim茅rica modificando sus propiedades. Las propiedades de este tipo de nanorrellenos est谩n estrechamente ligadas a las condiciones empleadas durante su s铆ntesis; as铆, par谩metros como el pH, medio de reacci贸n, temperatura de s铆ntesis e historial t茅rmico, relaci贸n molar de cationes, velocidad de precipitaci贸n, etc., repercuten en las propiedades f铆sicas y de superficie de los s贸lidos finales. En el presente trabajo se ha llevado a cabo la s铆ntesis de LDHs de Zn y Al en relaciones molares 2:1 y 3:1 mediante el m茅todo de coprecipitaci贸n empleando aminas de car谩cter b谩sico m谩s d茅bil que las cl谩sicamente utilizadas. Concretamente, se han empleado aminas con diferente grado de sustituci贸n y longitud de cadena, como agentes precipitantes empleando una metodolog铆a de s铆ntesis m谩s sencilla que la empleada en la hidrolisis de la urea. Los s贸lidos resultantes se han caracterizado atendiendo a sus propiedades morfol贸gicas y estructurales y se ha estudiado su viabilidad para ser utilizados como nanorrellenos en nanocomposites de matriz polim茅rica. Los nanocomposites se han preparado utilizando polipropileno como matriz polim茅rica, dispersando LDHs de Zn y Al sintetizados en diferentes condiciones. Finalmente, se estudi贸 la repercusi贸n que supone el uso de estos solidos a modo de nanorrellenos sobre la estabilidad t茅rmica y las propiedades mec谩nicas de los nanocomposites resultantes. La metodolog铆a de s铆ntesis empleando aminas como agentes de precipitaci贸n se extendi贸 a la preparaci贸n de LDHs de Ni y Al que resultan de gran inter茅s como precursores de catalizadores en la reacci贸n de Sabatier de hidrogenaci贸n de CO2 para obtener metano. La s铆ntesis de este tipo de s贸lidos se llev贸 a cabo utilizando dimetilamina como agente precipitante, ya que no se observ贸 con esta amina la formaci贸n de compuestos de coordinaci贸n con el Ni(II) y, adem谩s, result贸 ser la amina con la que los s贸lidos de Zn y Al ofrec铆an las mejores propiedades, en cuanto a grado de cristalinidad y distribuci贸n de tama帽o de part铆culas. El estudio de la actividad catal铆tica de este tipo de solidos se ampli贸 con la s铆ntesis de los catalizadores promovidos por cationes de elementos de tierras raras, como Ce y La. La efectividad de los catalizadores resultantes de Ni-Al2O3, Ni-Ce2O3-Al2O3 y Ni-La2O3-Al2O3 se estudi贸 en la producci贸n de CH4, atendiendo tanto a la conversi贸n como a la selectividad frente a la formaci贸n de productos secundarios. El test catal铆tico se realiz贸 entre 200 y 400 潞C, observ谩ndose que a 275 潞C se lograba una conversi贸n superior al 60% y que se manten铆a hasta 400 潞C, con una selectividad del 95% en la producci贸n de metano. [EN] The present research work has focused on obtaining inorganic nanofillers from Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs) that can be useful in the preparation of polymer matrix composites and nanocomposites with modified properties. The properties of this type of nanofillers are closely linked to their synthesis conditions; so, parameters such as pH, reaction medium, molar ratio of cations, precipitation rate, synthesis temperature and hydrothermal treatments, etc., have an important impact on the physical and surface properties of the final solids. Thus, in the present work, the synthesis of Zn,Al LDHs with molar ratios 2:1 and 3:1 has been carried out by the coprecipitation method using amines, which are softer bases than the classically used bases. Specifically, amines with different substitution degree and chain length have been used as precipitating agents using a simpler synthesis methodology than the hydrolysis of urea. The resulting solids have been characterised in terms of their morphological and structural properties and their feasibility for use as nanofillers in polymer matrix nanocomposites has been studied. Thus, nanocomposites have been prepared using polypropylene as polymeric matrix, dispersing Zn,Al LDHs synthesised under different conditions. Finally, the impact of the use of these solids as nanofillers on the thermal stability and mechanical properties of the resulting nanocomposites was studied. On the other hand, the synthesis methodology using amines as precipitating agents was extended to the preparation of Ni,Al LDHs which are of great interest as catalyst precursors in the Sabatier reaction of CO2 hydrogenation to obtain methane. The synthesis of this type of solids was carried out using dimethylamine as precipitating agent, since the formation of coordination compounds with Ni(II) was not observed and, in addition, it turned out to be the amine with which the Zn,Al LDHs offered the best properties, in terms of crystallinity degree and particle size distribution. The study of the catalytic activity of this type of solids was extended with the synthesis of catalysts promoted by cations of rare earth elements, such as Ce and La. Thus, the effectiveness of the resulting Ni-Al2O3, Ni-Ce2O3-Al2O3 and Ni-La2O3-Al2O3-Al2O3 catalysts was studied in the production of CH4, taking into account both the conversion and the selectivity towards secondary products. The catalytic test was carried out between 200 and 400 潞C, and it was observed that at 275 潞C a conversion larger than 60% was achieved, maintained up to 400 潞C, with a selectivity of 95% in methane production